From: Steve Schaible, founder of King Weenie Chicago Style Hot Dogs, Daddy-O’s Street Eats, Frank and Chips Hot Dogs -St. Louis
Dear Friend,
I was between a rock and a hard place…and the rock was winning.
A few years ago, I was working in an auto parts factory, hating life, and busting my tail for the boss so he could take his family to Europe, Mexico, or the Caribbean a few times a year. Even worse, the auto industry was in a slump. We could see layoffs coming and I wasn’t sure if I would have a job from one week to the next.
Is your ability to earn money resting entirely in someone else’s hands?
Mine was. I don’t know about you, but I felt the uncertainty in my gut every single day.
Let me tell you how I took control…
One day I stopped at a hot dog cart for a quick lunch. I struck up a conversation with the owner and found out that he made a full time living working only 9 months a year.
Wow! As soon as I got home I started doing some research.
What I found out about the hot dog cart business blew me away…
Getting into this business can totally transform your finances and your lifestyle. And this is one fast business to start up. You can be living your new life, enjoying a dramatic increase in your income in just a couple of weeks from today!
Most days you can make anywhere from $200 to $500 or more just working the lunch crowd. If you use the “BIG SECRET” (more on that in a minute), you have the potential to multiply your sales.
That’s $6000 to $10,000 a month with just one cart! I can show you all the tricks.
Some hot dog vendors only work big special events such as fairs, festivals, and sporting events. The pace is not quite as relaxed, “slingers” make anywhere from $1500 to $3000 or more in a single day.
I will show you all the specialized secrets of selling hotdogs at these events.
According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, many hot dog cart operators make more than $100,000 a year!
Hotdog cart operators don’t work as much as most people, but their hourly pay is significantly higher. If you have the right location and you are willing to work, you will make money from day one, in fact probably more money than you are making now.
I decided right then and there to start my own hot dog vending business. I vowed that from that point on I would never be entirely dependent on someone else for my livelihood.
Here’s the short version of my story…
I started out with one mobile cart in a strip mall parking lot rent free (I’ll tell you how to get sites rent free!). I only worked the lunch shift, 11 am to 2 pm.
My start up costs were less than $500.
I made money my very first day – and so can you!
Word spread about my little hot dog stand, and it became so popular that we created traffic jams in the parking lot! Within six months I was able to build a permanent hot dog stand – for less than $1500. I’ll show you how, so you can do it too.
By the way, this part is optional. You certainly don’t have to have a permanent location to be successful. You can just keep things simple, stick with a single hot dog cart and make fantastic money.
In fact, there are pros and cons to each method. You’ll learn how to do it either way in this course.
That’s my first cart on the right. I built it myself and if you want to build one too the plans and videos are included in your Hot Dog Profits Premium training. If you’re thinking of buying a used hot dog cart, these videos will help you fix it up.
I didn’t start out planning to build a permanent stand, it just kind of evolved as I went along…
Notice the drive thru window in the photo on the right. Rain? Sun? Who cares!
“Six Chicago style with chips and sodas – coming up!”
That’s my Mom helping out.
The good news is – you have two great ways you can go. I’ll let you in on all the tricks and secrets of both carts and stands. In fact, there are pros and cons to each method.
By the way, I stumbled upon the incredibly fast, easy and low cost way to build a permanent hot dog stand by pure accident. I never would have figured it out on my own.
But I want to give you access to this knowledge today. This is information you won’t find anywhere else.
In a short time I had five unsolicited offers to buy my business.
I loved selling hot dogs and I loved my newfound freedom even more, so I had no intention of selling – until I got an offer so good I’d have been crazy not to take it.
The timing was right for a mini retirement, and I sold out to some really nice folks who are happily running King Weenie as a family business to this day.
I’m spilling my guts…
I’m going to show you exactly how I built three successful hot dog vending businesses, and how you can do it too. With the release of this course it’s finally possible to get started the easy way, step by detailed step, while avoiding the many mistakes I made.
You don’t have to learn the hard way.
I’ll tell you all the insider tips, tricks, and secrets that can mean the difference between success and failure – secrets that you may never discover on your own.
I want to give you all of that knowledge and more, so that you have every cash generating tool you need before you put up your umbrella for the first time.
Here are just some of the things you’ll learn in my Hot Dog Profits Premium Training:
- How to get started with very little money. Under $500 in some cases!
- How to comply with health department regulations.
- How to cook the best hot dogs around and build a raving fan base
- How to set up your business legal structure, keep your books, pay your taxes.
- Where to buy your food and supplies.
- How to build a professional grade hot dog cart for less than $800 using hardware store parts.
- How to set up a permanent Hot Dog Stand for less than $1500.
- How to advertise.
- How to get free umbrellas, signs, marketing materials, etc.
- and much, much more. Including (drum roll please)…
My Biggest Secret
I obviously can’t tell you here, but there is ONE thing that you can do to explode the profits from your hotdog cart. It’s so simple that I can’t believe more vendors don’t do this.
It’s actually ten times easier than selling hot dogs, which is about as easy as it gets.
I know for a fact that you’ve seen it in action. I’m willing to bet that you have fallen under the spell of this big secret over and over again, causing you to spend hundreds of dollars that you had no intention of spending…
You just don’t realize what’s been happening, right under your nose.
This one technique can make all the difference – and a TON of money…
Using the the big secret at your hot dog cart could double or triple your sales.
I’m laying everything out on the table, no holding back. I want to teach you everything I know about starting and operating your own fun, exciting, money making hot dog cart business.
You can benefit from my experience and expertise. You don’t have to learn the hard way. It’s all right here…the easy way.
Your Hot Dog Profits Premium Online Training Includes…
250 page “Carts of Cash” startup guide – How to start, run, and grow your business the right way. More info…
E-Z Built Hot Dog Cart Videos and Plans – Step by step videos and plans to build your own hot dog cart. More info…
Cash Tracker 5 Day Trial – Mobile food business bookkeeping software. Keeps your books with the click of a button. More info…
Definitive Guide to Hot Dog Cart Leasing – Should you lease or buy? This course gives you the answer. More info…
70 Hot Dog Recipes – Never run out of ideas for tasty creations. More info…
Marketing Consultation Audio Recording – Listen in on a live marketing consultation. More info…
50 Menu Templates – Customizable menus for you to use. More info…
Hot Dog Cart Junior – Make this kid size hot dog cart for fun or profit. More info…
Includes Personal Help Whenever You Need It!
I stop by the Premium Training Area every day to interact with my students and answer all of their questions. You’ll never get stuck because you’re never alone.
Every training section is broken down into bite sized lessons. At the end of each lesson is a question and answer form.
Just type in your question and get a personal reply, usually within 24 hours! And yes, if you need to email or call me – I’m fine with that too.
Instant online access with your computer, smart phone, or tablet – anywhere you have an internet connection! Take the Hot Dog Profits Premium Training with you wherever you go!
How to Get Started • Build Your Own Cart Videos • How to Manage Your Business and Money • All Contracts, Forms, Checklists Needed • Health Department Tips • Getting Locations • Commissary Secrets • Catering • Street Vending • Fairs and Festivals • Hiring Help
Get your password and get started today!

Would you like instant online access to ALL of the Hot Dog Profits training books, audio CD lessons (learn while you drive), on-the-job training videos, hot dog cart building videos, marketing training, bookkeeping software, menus, inventory checklists, catering contracts, and more…
Now you can get everything you need to succeed right here, all in one place, with personal help whenever you need it.
Why would you go it alone when you could have Steve and a LOT of other professional, experienced hot dog slingers to rely on?
Want to get into the Hot Dog Biz? There’s a lot to know. I’m sure you’ve been wondering about commissaries, permits, locations, inspections, equipment, and all the other details required to be successful.
I’m going to give it to you straight. If you’ve never done this before, you owe it to yourself to get the HDP Premium Training.
You’ll learn more inside the private members area than you would in months of very expensive and embarrassing trial and error at the job site. It’s an investment in your success.
“Steve, I would just like to take a minute to express my gratitude for the extensive resources and help offered in your Hot Dog Profits Premium System. Your Carts of Cash book has removed road block after road block for me. It’s fantastic! Your system is an absolutely indispensable component to success in the hot dog biz! Its straightforward, precise manner of delivery is Awesome!! The time savings alone are worth the price of the membership over and over again. It’s the best bargain I know of!!
Thank you!” -Ashley M., HDP Premium Member
You can follow this proven path to easy street. Once I had all this in place the business ran like a fine tuned machine. All I have to do is show up and serve our famous hot dogs to our raving fans, many of whom have become great friends. It’s like hanging out with my buddies at a back yard cook out all afternoon- and getting paid for it!
“Wow, I’ve spent hours on your site now. So many people, so much experience, lots to learn. I’m an outgoing person and have thought for over 20 years owning a food cart would be a good thing for me to do, but so many things stopped me. Like how to get a cart. Now no more excuses. Thanks. You have everything covered!” -Bri Moody, HDP Premium Member
If you’re ready for a change and you want to learn how to start and run your own successful hot dog business (while avoiding all the embarrassing and costly rookie mistakes that I made when I got started), get the Hot Dog Profits Premium Training now.
You’ll Get Instant Access to All of These Products…
For years we have sold these products separately in hard copy versions that total over $350. With the economy the way it is, we realize that those who need to get into this business the most may not be able to afford everything that they need to be successful.
That’s why we cut our overhead to the bone and repackaged all of these training products into an all-inclusive online interactive format so you can have access to them all right now at one low price that you can afford today.
Interactive Format. Remember – every lesson has a form where you can ask me questions or share ideas with your fellow Premium Members. You are never in this alone. Help is always available!
All Q and A forms are strictly moderated to keep this a nice, friendly place. This ensures that you never have to be afraid to ask a question because all of our members are held to higher standards of respect and courtesy.
Mobile Compatible. All of the training products and videos are smart phone and iPad compatible so you can view them on any device you like. The Cash Tracker Software runs on any windows PC.
Hot Dog Profits Premium Reviews
Listen to what our members are saying about the Hot Dog Profits Premium Training…
“Hi Steve. When I decided to start up a small business selling hot dogs I started searching the internet and found your site. I could not believe the price that was quoted for all the information that you had listed. I thought to my self, “I have been fooled before but this does sound pretty legit”. From the moment I joined and became a member I knew that I could do this. Everything is all here for me, I don’t have to figure it all out. Just got the heath department pre opening inspection and will be setting up my cart in downtown Grand Rapids, MI. So thank you Steve for Hot dog Profits Premium. I don’t think I would have made it if I hadn’t become a member.”
-Gladys, Riverside Hot Dogs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Like most, I’m skeptical of most things and that was true of Steve and HDP at first. I stumbled upon his Web site after endless disappointment of $4-$8k carts that got crappy reviews or just looked too “used” for my liking. I ran with Hot Dog Profits Premium and it does not disappoint. One thing I remember reading before signing up with HDP is that Steve answers his emails. I thought “ya right”. Well I’m here to say he does just that. Steve’s been awesome in all aspects and although I don’t know him personally, he seems like your average guy who really wants to do nothing more than help people succeed. In my book, that’s very rare these days. So to you Steve, thank you. For all those wondering if HDP Premium is legit…IT IS! I built my cart to Steve’s specs and videos (very, very simple) and must say, I’m very pleased. My local health department was blown away with the plans and list and could not believe I built it. Passed with flying colors. If you want to be a slinger, get on this, it won’t disappoint and you CAN’T screw it up if building your own cart, watch the videos.”
-Bryan Wilson, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve has eminence knowledge in this field and has helped our business get up and running smoothly! We here at Rawkin Dawg have gained several very high paying gigs from referrals, and scored some great locations! Thanks Steve!”
-Chris Padgett, Rawkin Dawg, Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater, Florida, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
The whole package is so helpful, it’s a must if you’re thinking about slinging hot dogs. I still read the books. The Cash Tracker software is a must. I’m a retired police officer. I sell hotdogs and sausages four days a week, three hours a day. It’s a blast. Highly recommend this program!
-Joe, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“When I decided to try and sell hotdogs, I researched everywhere. I even went on line and that’s where I found Hot Dog Profits Premium. My husband told me if I was serious then I should buy the whole package Steve was offering. I can say it was worth every penny! The membership gives you valuable information from videos to books and personal help whenever you have questions, everything a dog slinger needs to know to become a success and more. I am going on my fifth year selling my dogs, and I don’t think I would have had the confidence without the help of Hot Dog Profits Premium. So my advice is if you want to have fun and meet a lot of nice people, start by becoming a Member at Hot Dog Profits Premium and learn the best way to become a success. Good luck to all you Dog slingers and God bless.”
-Marge Rivera, The Twisted Dawg, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve I was working all weekend at the Arnold Days Festival. It was wonderful. I really enjoyed working my Hot Dog Cart did very well. I did the Chrystal Days also it was very successful too. I am really enjoying myself I am meeting new group of vendors to team up with for other events . Thank you Steve it has been fun and a great time and successful.
-Brenda Ramsey, Mad Dog’s Hot Dogs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hi Steve, my wife and I just had our first really big day at $900 in sales, not bad for a Southwestern Indiana hot dog cart. I used the videos and plans in Hot Dog Profits Premium to build my cart. Cart looks great and I get a lot of compliments on it. I love hearing other slingers ideas of what works and what doesn’t. Happy Days ahead!”
-Kent, River City Dawgs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I love hot dogs premium for its newsletters and pics of other people’s carts because I just started building mine. I love cash tracker…..put it this way…..there is nothing I don’t love about it. I also love the fact that Steve is a “real” person. He actually answers his own phone, responds to texts and emails himself. You are a class act Steve. Dare to Soar!
-Mark and Garrett, Little G’s Hot Dogs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Members
“I’m doing an auction gig 4 times a week. My grandaughter comes and helps me on Friday and Sat nights cause I get pretty busy on Sat when the guns are sold. If I wouldn’t have came across your site I might still be in my chair wondering where to start. U r so awesome. Good to see you out there slinging those dawgz Steve!”
-Debbie A., Nuttin’ But Dawgz, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve, Since my husband and I have been premium members we have learned alot. We have increased our business from $25.00 a day to over $300.00 in sales everyday, we are talking maybe 5 hrs. at the most, not bad. Thanks a lot!”
-Doris & Billy, Ma & Pa Hotdogs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Members
“I guess I’m not as dumb as I look. After 90+ weeks of unemployment and no prospects for a real job I started to panic. But then my “Yankee Ingenuity” kicked in and I used my last 4 unemployment checks to build my own hot dog cart. Steve at HotDogProfitsPremium.com was instrumental in helping launch my fledgling business. My cart paid for itself in one weekend and 5 years later I not only have a job I have a legacy that I’ll be passing on to my grandsons soon. My only regret is I wish I would have done this at 20 instead of 50.”
-Bill Humphreys, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Thanks Steve, I really love the Premium membership. You have taught me a lot. Thanks to you I am very successful and because I used all your advice and started my hot dog with all your recommendations, I now have a great little business.”
-Carrie Lawton, Law Dogs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I love my HDP Premium membership because it gives step by step guidance in all aspects
of the hot dog slinging business… it makes success so much easier to attain!”
-Andra Josea, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hey Steve! Thanks for helping me achieve my dream to build and own my own Food Cart! I found your how to video’s easy to follow and your website offer a lot of great idea’s…Thanks I had so much fun building my cart…Now I know I can do it and second time around will be super easy!”
-Peter Scoville, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
-Bri Moody, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hey Steve I really like my Premium Membership it allows me to have access to all information I need to run my hot dog business. It’s great to even access it from my phone. Thanks Steve!”
-Sam Penwright, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I’ve been reading all of the material I received with my membership and it’s invaluable, thank you, it’s the best money I’ve ever spent.”
-Mary Jones, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I don’t think I would have given it a second thought about building my own cart if it wasn’t for your website and your Hot Dog Profits Premium Membership program. It gave me the confidence to take a shot at it. Well I will tell you it was the best decision I ever made. The cart is looking like I had it built for me from a manufacturer! My sincere thank to you Steve – please keep up the good stuff!
-Gillis, San Diego CA, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Really, you give way more than the money’s worth to your Premium Members. Thanks for that.”
-Richard Strawder, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“My first event went great! Ended up bringing way to many condiments but was a good learning experience for the next one coming up. And just as you said many people took my flyers and cards with them. Even had two people tell me that they were the best hot dogzz they had ever had. Not bad for the 1st time cooking them. LOL. But seriously, thanks for all of your help Steve. The future of SGTDzz Hot Dogzz is looking much brighter now and I owe it to you and Hot Dog Profits Premium!”
-Sgt Jeff Duncan, SGTDzz Hot Dogzz, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve’s Hot Dog Profits Premium course has be a life saver..being a premium member has made building my hot dog cart a breeze….my wife who handles all the behind the scene stuff says it’s a one stop shop for her it’s all in one place….thanks Steve. Here is a pic of the cart almost done….”
-Jim& Doreen Ryan, Hot Dog Profits Premium Members
-Mike Teague, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hi Steve, I just wanted to say thank you for the service that you’re providing for entrepreneurs. All of the information contained there is very, very valuable. I chose to do a brick-and-mortar type of business versus a hotdog cart. I opened the restaurant April 17. We had a fantastic day and made $2700 the first day. I won’t go into the numbers but to say the least we have been doing very very well.”
-Larry Hall, Hot Rod Dogz, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“People if you are running a cart and don’t jump on this you’re crazy. If you are new to to the biz THESE ARE the main tools. Even if your an old timer there is plenty of info don’t wait. I will make sure everyone knows about this, really they need this. The software and the 101 tax tips alone are worth the price.”
-Peter Schumate, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“With you and your team I was able to come off the road as a truck driver. I have had fun building and slinging. I enjoy being a Premium member and keeping in touch with the other slingers. I can’t wait to meet you in person. Steve you and your team are awesome.”
-Reginald Marlow, King Dogs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I have to say, I am just astounded at the amount of information. If you are even slightly considering getting into this business, this is a must. You really don’t know how good this is until you buy it.”
-Aaron Siegel, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“My name’s Michael. I’ve been a member for over year have learned so much. The training videos are very helpful and Steve helps out with any questions you might have. Love the membership and would recommend it to any new member.”
-Michael Pitts, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
-Ashley M., HDP Premium Member
“You get a lot of great help from Steve. He has the best plan for the beginner or the pro. It helped me out a lot. From getting a great spot to keeping real good track of your cash down to the last penny. I can say this with Steve’s business plans you will be getting a lot better start in the hot dog business. When you see a line 10 to 20 people deep and more on the way, wow what a wonderful feeling. I would suggest that you get all the information you can from Steve before you decide to do anything else. I did and my pay off has been fantastic.”
-Thomas Gallagher, Hungry Hounds Catering, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Just wanted to say that everything I’ve seen and read here is REALLY great and wanted to say thank you for what you have offered us newbies. This info is so valuable and nothing I’ve seen so far in all my research even touches what you have put together here.”
-Ross Jacobs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hey, Steve! I just wanted to let you know how much I love the premium membership! I can always access the lessons about the website building or review any info I need that’s been discussed. Its like having you there 24/7. You’re the greatest!”
-Robin/Lakeside Lunch, New Preston CT, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hey Steve, As a premium member I am able to purchase and use your book keeping program and renew at a discounted price. I have used your hot dog bookkeeping software for several years and love the program.”
-Chad Ginther, Bigg Daddy’s Dogs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“In 2009 I ventured to open a restaurant. Then I came across hotdogprofits.com. The resources provided by Steve were exactly what I was looking for; easy to follow, do it yourself step by step instructions. Their services put a stop to my run around on the web by providing EVERYTHING that I needed to begin my business, Zay Zay’s Catering and More. What I most like about hotdogprofits.com is the direct contact. Steve, the owner, provided me with his direct cell number and email. He has never failed to get back to me right away with answers to my questions. Zay Zay’s has been open for business since April! Our last gig was two hours and cut a check for $986.00! I’m finally living my dream and I owe the takeoff to you Steve. I’ll never be able to thank you enough! I would highly recommend hotdogprofitspremium.com to anyone considering a food business. It’s all provided; schematics, “How to” book, business forms, detailed step by step video, website, menus, direct access to the man with the plan Steve Schaible and much more!”
-Scooby Tackett, Zay Zay’s Catering and More, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“My name is Eddie Moses in Morristown Tn. My company is Eatmohotdogs. I have been a HDP Premium member since before I bought my cart. The information and tips that I received from Steve is well beyond what I expected. A lot of people promise you the moon to get you to join and pay them for really nothing, I feel that I have gotten a lot more then what I paid for. I also enjoy his comments and short stories about several topics concerning the business. I feel his knowledge and experience has helped me to succeed. I highly recommend his program to anyone wanting to start off on the right foot and have a better chance for success.”
-Eddie Moses, Eatmohotdogs, Morristown Tennessee, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve, Hot dog profits premium helped me decide to do what I have been talking about doing for 5 years! Goodbye Corporate world, you won’t be missed.”
-Jeff Rockstrom, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Fantastic site! Steve’s there for you to help guide you through the trenches of the hot dog slinger’s world. Don’t miss out on the wealth of information and Steve’s years of hot dog vending knowledge his site can bring you.”
-Frank Gotham, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hi Steve, Wanted to just say a quick thanks for all your help, and the services your site provided me in making the jump into the Hotdog Business. Great information, great weekly news tips.”
-Mike Q., der Frankfurter Cart, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve, I just wanted to let you know that I think my Premium membership has been worth every penny and more! It’s always there when I need it for advice or just a fresh idea about the business. Very detailed for the beginner and experienced slinger alike. Thanks!!!”
-Johnny C, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hot Dog Profits Premium takes all the guess work out of starting your own hot dog business. They offer more than enough tips and tools to be successful in this business. Thank you!”
-Antonio Frazier, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I love the premium membership very great info and you can’t beat the price. Any time I’m having any doubts or questions I just go over all the amazing info that comes with the premium membership and get the confidence booster and reassurance I’m lookin for.”
-Chris Waterman, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“After hours of searching On-Line on how to Build a Hot Dog Cart to go along with our Monster Truck Promotions…….Steve’s program was absolutely the Best!!! not only did we accomplish our Goal of a Cart, but we used the same formula to build a Gourmet Hot Dog Truck……He even set us up with a Professional web Site…Best Money I ever spent!!!! Thank you…..
-Steve & Jill Quercio, Cupid’s Hot Dogs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Members
“Steve: I love my premium membership for all the instructions that you provide about all the aspects of hotdoggin’! I sold my manufactured cart and plan on making my own EZ-BUILT hot dog cart!”
-Larry W, Island DOGS, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“To me, the premium membership provided me access to all the tools and knowledge that helped me succeed in developing a fun business, which got me many complements from my customers!”
-Steve Hampson, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Experience + Hot Dog Cart = $MONEY$ DO NOT BLOW YOUR CHANCE, Steve’s Hot Dog Profits Premium course should set you 2 years ahead the first day on your cart, if you follow, read, get involved with others, and give this course all your effort, you will easily have the knowledge on your first day to handle the business and cash flow. All you will have to do is be consistent and the Dogs will go and the cash will come. No need to go it alone, Steve has always been here for me, and he will for you, hope you make the right decision. Let Steve’s premium course make you a winner too!”
-J Hardy, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“We love Hot Dog Profits Premium, without it we wouldn’t have known where to start. We got step by step precise instructions on what to do to start our hot dog cart…we will be up and running by the end of this month. We love you STEVE…you became my husbands best friend 🙂 Aloha!”
-Noelani and Shunon, Hawaii, Hot Dog Profits Premium Members
Hi Steve, I like the Premium Membership, I really do. Thanks!”
-Mickey Cline, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I could have never started my own business without Hot Dog Profits Premium. If you have a question you can find the answer here quickly and easily. Thank you Steve… I am having a howling good time!”
-C. G. “Al” Alvord, Weenie Dawgs, Grand Rapids, OH, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve’s video and instructions were really helpful and easy to follow. All the information to start your business and helpful ideas to run it successfully are awesome and have opened our eyes to endless possibilities. Love it all.”
-Lisa and Gene Strzelecki, The Dog Cart, Hot Dog Profits Premium Members
“I am more than excited about my Hot Dog Profits Premium membership. It not only gave me everything I needed to build a successful Hot Dog business, it also helped me to create a lifestyle. The abundance of information, phenomenal tools, and the ability to contact and communicate with Steve throughout the process is amazing and makes this the best membership opportunity ever. I’m blessed to have found Steve and this fantastic opportunity. I can go on and on about my Hot Dog Profits Premium membership because it has truly been a blessing and it has changed my life. Steve needs an award but until they create one for him, I’ll give him non stop, genuine praise for changing the lives of others. Until next time….. “I’ll see you all at the top not from the top”.
-David Nicholson, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve thank you. You made the building of the hot dog cart so easy with the Premium Membership. If you Want to build a hotdog cart this is the course to get. Thank you.”
– Michael Martino, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hi Steve! Today was our first time operating our E-Z Built Cart that we built using the plans included in our Hot Dog Profits Premium Membership! It was a hit! We served all beef dogs with chili and all of the fixins, chips & drinks. I just wanted to say thank you for providing an affordable membership to people like myself that need to start on a shoestring budget. You’ve always been quick to respond to specific questions, and encouraging. Thanks again for all of your help, Steve. I’m looking forward to developing this new venture into its fullest potential…with God’s help, for sure!”
-Todd & Amy Swardenski, Uncle Todd’s Hot Dogs, Hanna City IL, Hot Dog Profits Premium Members
“I just wanted to give you a big shout out!! Being an HDP Premium Member has been incredibly beneficial and enlightening! All of your materials are literally step-by-step for anyone to follow no matter what their background! I really enjoy all of the slinger posts and comments as well, so thanks for all you do!”
-Sassy Susie, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I have never built anything like this before, so was very thankful for the directions/instructions from Steve’s Hotdog Profits Premium to guide me. I get a LOT of compliments on my cart and people are always surprised when they find out “LITTLE OLE’ ME” built it myself! Especially, the men, haha!”
-Liberty Carter, Hoodsport WA, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I like the premium membership because it lays everything out for the potential slinger. From start up to the seasoned veteran. Extremely well put together and very captivating for the motivated. I would recommend this program for anyone who wishes to add a little bit of income!”
-Dan Broman, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hot Dog Profits Premium Membership is the real deal. It reveals the secrets to being a Hot Dog Hotshot. Thanks, Steve. You make it easy.”
-Tim Wycislak, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Your website has been extremely helpful for us. Starting from scratch and never building anything in our lives, your information and guidance has been very intuitive. When ever we have had any questions or concerns your prompt response haa kept us hopeful in building our hot dog cart. We really appreciate the time you have put in with providing this website to future business owners like ourselves.”
-The Diaz Family
“When I decided to buy a cart and get into the hot dog business 3 years ago, all I had was a good idea. The hot dog profits premium package gave me all of the tools that I needed to get up and running, and put me on the fast track to success. The web site was very easy to set up, and looked very professional from the beginning. The video tutorials are priceless! If you are considering getting into the hot dogs business, this is the place to start.”
-Steve Carson, U-Lucky Dog, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“The premium site is a must need for anyone wanting to start a hot dog or any other confession business. The plans are straight forward and can be adapted to various concession items not just hot dogs. Use Steve’s guidance and your imagination and start a rewarding career. You won’t be sorry you became a member.”
-Vern Wallace, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hi Steve, I really would like to thank you and your team at Hot Dog Profits Premium. Without your help and advice I would not have had the courage to open my hot dog stand! You let me know that anything is possible with hot dogs and you were right. I have converted an espresso stand to a hot dog stand and people love it. The exciting part is that I got so busy that I hired someone to help me! Not even opened a month!! People love my little stand and have told me they are happy I’m here. So, a big THANKS to you and all of your team!!! Trust me, I will be calling for more of your advice!”
-Melody, My Awesome Dogs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I had a hotdog cart back in 2007, but had a heart attack with open heart quad bypass. Needless to say I had to sell my cart. I am now 83 years old and your program has inspired me to build another cart. Thanks to you and your plans it will be done soon, and I will be out there slinging again, because I sure have missed it all these years. Many thanks to you!
-Robert J Edwards, Hawg Heaven Hotdogs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hi Steve – I cant believe the incredible amount of info and tips in the Premium members site. Although I wound up purchasing a used cart (price was too low to pass up) I used your plans and helpful tips from other slingers to make modifications and sold my cart for a 700.00 profit. Now I am in the planning stage of building a unit that will attach to the back bumper so no trailer is needed. I could have never accomplished any of this without your help.”
-James Fisher, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I love the education you provide, and how you keep it entertaining at the same time. We seem to have a similar sense of humor. Along with that, the fact that all the lessons and online materials allow for feedback is helpful for getting other perspectives. It increases the amount of information substantially. Thanks for everythingthat you do.”
-Randall Austin, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I like the membership because at any point I can go back in and look something up. Or I could even build a few different stands. It’s up to date with technology. Videos on the web is the way to go. I can bring my laptop out into the garage to watch the videos as I work.”
-Jessica age 24, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“When I signed up for the Premium Membership, I didn’t realize what a benefit it would turn out to be. The articles, positive information, tips on being a slinger and answers to all questions has been a big benefit in getting the business going and making it work. Premium is certainly worth it. Great job Steve.”
-Phil Bartlett, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I have been a Premium Member for quite a while, and have followed Steve for quite a while. One of the things I love about his Premium Site is that it is on point. I go there to read and get inspired about all the possibilties of owning my own hot dog cart, and being in business for myself. The fact I can go there and not be bombarded with tons of ads and offers from other companies a rarity nowadays. I for one appreciate it and am planning on building four of my grandchildren their own Hot Dog Junior Carts this Christmas! Keep up the good work.
-Steve Perkins, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve, I love being an Hot Dog Profits Premium member because you have a lot of information to work with, the videos are very easy to follow and you got Steve he’s there when you need him. If you have any questions or run into any problems just email him and Steve get back to you very quickly.”
-Daniel Kenny, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve, I like your HDP Premium because you give me answers to problems. I bought my cart before I found your site from ___ company and corrected all the problems myself. Your knowledge has helped me much!
-Joe Cain, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I like to interact with the other members. Its nice to know you are not the only one that thinks being a hot dog slinger is a good Idea. The cart build instructions are excellent. If I ever decide to build another it will be from your plans. Even if you not building a cart it gives you ideas on changes to the cart you currently have. I used the plans to add a sink to my cart. This winter we will be making even more changes.”
-Earl Ward, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve, I have been a Hot Dog Profits Premium member for a couple years. I am retired and in the last few years have also had a number of operations (triple-a, pace maker, pneumonia , diabetic) In the mean time I’ve been working on my cart and plan to do a lot of slinging of those delicious hot dogs. Carts of cash has given me a good deal of inspiration to get it done by spring. Times have been kind of tough these last couple of years, but things are looking up and I am going to accomplish my ambitions to become one of Ohio’s HOT DOG slinging fools !!!!!! All I can say is thank you Steve!”
-Richard Jonson
“You taught me everything I need to run a successful business by being a Premium member. I love the Cash Tracker. Book keeping is not my forte and the Cash Tracker is so easy I have no issues with keeping up with my books. My accountant loves it also, it makes his job so much easier.”
-Ann, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hot Dog profits has taught me so much. Steve is the most generous and genuine person. The membership went above and beyond my expectations. Not only did I build my first hotdog cart, I also learned about business. Thanks Steve!”
-Major Jones, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hi Steve, I just want to thank you for your Premium Membership !!! Thanks to your programs, I have my own cart business and I love the Cash Tracker.”
-Bruce of ” Bruce’s Hot Dog Cartel “, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Being a Premium Member of Hot Dog Profits has helped my business grow. The tips, notes and encouragement from Steve and the other members of the group keep me motivated. The website is easy to use to research old topics and discussions. Thanks Steve for all your advice.”
-Ed Forbes, Dog Bites Hot Dogs, Lansdale PA, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I started a food concession business about five years ago. I will be adding a Hot Dog cart to the business in the next few months. The information found on Steve’s Hot Dog Profits Premium has a tremendous value. I am well pleased.”
-Randall Spearman, Spearman Fun Foods, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“We ran across Hot Dog Profits Premium when our civic group was looking for a way to make some money for our charity. Things worked out well for us in a very small community. What we were surprised at though, was how much fun we had slingin’ dogs and talking to people from all over the world! Thanks Steve.”
-Tom Rollings, Brother Bratwurst, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I have been slinging hot dogs, sausages and burgers for 6 seasons and consider myself quite a veteran. That being said I still consider Steve my mentor and have taken advantage of the Premium Membership. The website service is reason enough to become a member. I receive inquiries on the website all the time about booking me for events. My replies are enhanced by suggesting they go to my website where they can find out about me, my cart, menus and the like. That website, offered to Premium members has paid off for me a hundred times the price of the membership!”
-Joel Miller, Kaimelsky’s, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I’ve been very impressed with your Premium Membership. I started out on this journey after being inspired by what you and others have achieved in building your hot dog carts and making a real go of the hot dog business. Since I have read through other areas of your site it has helped and inspired me no end. I have also taken advantage of your website building service and look to be utilizing that more fully very soon. Keep up the good work.”
-John, HeartyHotdogs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“The instruction videos were smiple to follow. I completed my cart in less then a month. I would recommend to anyone who wants to give the hot dog cart business a try.”
-Brad Walker, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hot Dog Profit Premium has helped me with all the tools I needed to construct my on concession trailer, giving me the business knowledge I needed to run my business qoing and the resources to keep track of my day to day. As a small business I highly recommend using Hot Dog Profit. everything you need to get started in the food business is right there for you.”
-Eric Smith, Big E’s Southern Q, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hi Steve, I really like the premium membership because of the accounting program and all the information I have access to on the website. It is very helpful to someone who is starting out in this business.”
-Jill Babel, Hot Ziggidy Dog, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I love the Hot Dog Profits Premium training, especially the hot dog recipes!”
-Rico Fojas, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hot Dog Profits Premium is an amazing product. When I first got the idea of starting a hot dog cart business, I had no clue what I was doing. Steve and his program walk you through every step of the process, leaving you knowledgeable, confident, and prepared for sucess in your business. Whether you are just starting in the industry or already have an established business, there is something for everyone to learn to become more successful.”
-Brandon W
Steve’s HDP Premium course is one of the best courses out there. I enjoy all of the straight forward info on how to get started in the hot dog business. I can’t wait to get started on building my own cart. Thanks Steve for your help and a well written course!
– Fred Flores, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I am a big fan of Hot Dog Profits Premium. There is much to be gained in the way of insight and support for anyone interested in starting a hot dog vending business. I am thoroughly convinced that this can be a life changer for a lot of people. I have had a few personal challenges in getting my business started, but I have just recently received the go ahead from the Health Department to get started on building my cart. I have been looking forward to getting started on this project for a long time. With the help of Steve and my fellow slingers, I know that I can do this. It will be a great adventure.”
-Dale Fulton, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve , I have been a member for a few years and have had a few medical set backs . in the mean time I have kept going over the material and never fail to learn something that will make my future as a hot dog vendor bright. I’m learning how to create a customer experience that will keep them yearning to return.”
-Richard Johnson, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Hey Steve! Hot Dog Profits Premium has been the blueprint for creating my hotdog business. From the beginning your course has guided me to hotdog success! The training videos, the menu variety, the website and bookkeeping program is all top notch hot dog vending education. I truly appreciate what you offer!”
-Dapper D, Dapper Demand Hot Dog St
and, Sacramento, California, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I bought a Hot Dog Profits Membership for the designs on how to build a small cart but living up to my nickname “overkill Bill” I went way past a small cart. That’s ok because there were so many other helpful aspects of the site like info on how to start and run a hot dog business. It answered questions i didn’t even know I had yet. Plus the self help books and fact that Steve answers the phone personally is awesome. It’s definitely money well spent.”
-Bill with Sloppy Doggs, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“I can’t express enough how much I owe you for your guidance and support for my first year as a slinger. It’s been a roller coaster ride because of the terrible weather in the Midwest this year, but your words of encouragement and advice helped me make it to a second season next year. Kudos to you for being a champion!”
-James Nitz, Hank’s Franks, Hot Dog Profits Premium Member
“Steve – The material you provided in Hot Dog Profits was excellent. The steps outlined were concise and helped me and my wife Kathy get the business started much sooner than expected. It was well worth the investment.”
-Dave and Kathy Brink, Davey Dogs LLC, Hot Dog Profits Premium Members